Complete a Nutrition Assessment. Mrs. Valenzuela, a 45 year-old Mexican American woman employed as a nurse

    April 21, 2024

Complete a Nutrition Assessment. Mrs. Valenzuela, a 45 year-old Mexican American woman employed as a nurse, was recently diagnosed with type 2 DM. She developed gestational diabetes while she was pregnant with her second child. Her blood glucose levels returned to normal in the postpartum period, and she was advised to get regular checkups, maintain a desirable weight, and engage in regular physical activity. Although she reports that she does not think that she overeats and that she exercises regularly (2-3 times/week for 20 minutes), she has been unable to maintain a healthy weight. She is 5 feet 3 inches tall and currently weighs 158 pounds; her weight is stable. She has decided to lose weight and joined a gym because she is concerned about the long-term effects of diabetes and wants to avoid the possibility of needing insulin injections. She is also concerned about her husband and children because they are overweight and not very active. She has been checking her fingersticks but only in the morning. Her physician has referred Mrs. Valenzuela for outpatient nutrition counseling.

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