Corrective Action Plan Meeting

    August 4, 2024

Imagine you are a communications manager at a major corporation. One of your new team members has sent out an email to a diverse group of project managers before you could review it. The email did not blind copy the recipients and advised them of their digital noncompliance. However, the topic of the email was not clear to the recipients and caused confusion.?There were several spelling and grammar errors, and they used technical jargon. They also failed to include an email footer.
Project managers are upset and pushing back against any help offered. To make matters worse, one of the project managers has contacted your supervisor to alert them of the miscommunication. As a result, your supervisor has asked for a Corrective Action Plan to ensure an error like this does not happen in the future.?You need to develop the plan and meet with the employee who sent the email to ensure an issue like this does not happen again.
Review the Corrective Action Plan handout to learn about the components and how to create one.
Part 1
Record a mock 4- to 5-minute meeting with the employee who sent the email. Record the meeting on your own as a 1-way communication to the employee. In your meeting with them, you need to do the following: (Just write on a transcript)
Identify the purpose of the meeting.
Define the problem.
Explain the root cause of the problem.
Identify a minimum of 2 action items that should prevent the recurrence of the problem.
Identify any risks associated with not correcting the problem.
Describe how you will measure progress toward and completion of the action items.
Identify how you will follow up to ensure progress is being made.

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