critical response to at the heart of gold: inside the USA gymnastics scandal

    April 21, 2024

watch a At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal that is related to an issue in the contemporary sport industry. After watching the film, you will write a critical response on the specific issue. In the critical response, you should both summarize the information presented in the video and discuss the broader sport management topic with the support of proper arguments and the use of external sources. The critical response must contain at least 1500 words and five external sources (at least two of them need to be academic sources).
The key components you will need to develop in your response include:• A summary of the video. What are some of the problems identified in the video? Why arethey important?• A discussion of the connection between the problems presented in the video and the largersport management issue. What is the key issue in relation to sport management? How canthe context impact or be impacted by the larger sport management issue? Be sure to citeproperly.• An in-depth analysis of the issue from the student’s own perspective. What might havecaused the issue? How will this issue develop in the future? As a future sport managementpractitioner and/or scholar, what can you do to change the situation? Use external sourcesto support your arguments. 

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