Data Related to A Health Disparity Infographic

    August 1, 2024

Public Health Information and Data Visualization Project
According to the CDC, health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. You will develop a question surrounding a health disparity of your choice then search for information and data on this health disparity. Analyze the data and formulate a conclusion/answer to your health disparity question. Develop a data visualization using, to help support and answer your question. Include a statement explaining how you went about gathering your data.
Note: The health disparity you choose and resulting data may be used in future in modules.
Assignment requirements:
Length: 150-200 words
References required: 2 sources not used in the course learning activities
Current APA format is required
Learning Objectives:
1. Develop an infographic on data related to a health disparity.
2. Analyze data on health disparity to answer a question.

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