Diversity discussion

    April 21, 2024

Part 1 Choose one of the topics and its corresponding question below for your post this week:
1.  In many countries, women comprise more than half of the population and about half of the workforce.  Why are perceptions that women do not work so common?  How does the media influence this perception?
2.  Women often spend 17 years caring for children and 18 years caring for aging parents, primarily during their prime working years.  What federal legislation is particularly significant to working women and family issues?
3.  Organizations with inclusive LGBT policies financially outperform competitors with less inclusive policies.  Why do you think the organizations that are more inclusive outperform competitors?  
Part 2 INP3224 Managing Diversity Course Project
Power Point Presentation
For the Final Project this month you are to develop a power point presentation on a minority group.  I want you to have fun with this project. Prepare the presentation as if you were developing it for and educational or workplace seminar. 
I suggest using several pictures throughout your presentation. Make sure to include at least one picture or graphic per section. A power point presentation looks dull with few pictures and a lot of text.
I suggest putting the heading of each category on or before the slides in that group, so I know what category each slide is in.  
The project must be a minimum of 20 content slides, this does not include title, section heading, and reference slides.
The citations must be in proper APA format.
Please follow the order that is listed below. Make sure your slides stay in order. 
Part 1 – Introduction of Minority Group: 2 to 3 slides introducing the minority group. This may include things like pictures, symbols, or any cultural characteristics representing the minority group you are researching. 
Part  2  – Key Facts: 2 to 3 slides mentioning some of the relevant key facts outlined by the chapter or research. 
Part  3  – History of Minority Group in the US: 2 to 3 slides describing the history of the minority group in the US.   

Part  4  – Population: 2 to 3 slides describing the population of the minority group in the US.   
Part  5  – Education,  Employment,  and Earnings: 2 to 3 slides describing the education levels,  employment,  and earnings of the minority group. 
Part  6  – Stereotypes: 2 to 3 slides describing the stereotypes associated with this minority group in the US.   
Part  7  – Strengths: 2 to 3 slides describing some strengths of this minority group.
Part  8  – Strategies: 2 to 3 slides describing some strategies for inclusion of this minority group.

Part  9  – Popular Culture: 2 to 3 slides describing some ways that this group is represented, or not represented, in modern popular culture.
Part  10  – Reference Slide: Please conclude your presentation with a reference slide. 
This presentation is worth 20 % of your grade. 

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