Earnings Call Review

    August 4, 2024

Listen to (or read the transcript of) your organization’s or any publicly traded company’s most recent quarterly earnings call and respond to the following questions:
Tip: To find an earnings call or transcript, go to the “Investor Relations” section of the company’s website. There you will find links to financial reports and recordings of recent calls.
· Have you ever listened to an earnings call before?
· Identify the company you selected.
. What topics were included on the call?
. Which were most helpful or insightful?
. Was there a discussion of profit or EPS by Company Management? Explain what this implies, what was the driving force.
. Were there topics you wished were included or expanded upon? Explain
· Were the analysts’ questions aggressive and challenging or supportive and respectful? How well did management respond to the questions?
· What additional insights were you able to gain in regards to the company’s financial health, forward guidance, and strategic financial decisions?
· Was there any information or perspective shared that a competitor could benefit from?

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