Examine and discuss characters of the Wife of Bath and Scheherazade, through a feminist lens

    August 1, 2024

Question 21: In a thorough, organized response of at least 250 words, explain some common features of the epic, as seen in some of the literature in weeks 1-4. Then, explain if/how we see any of these characteristics of the epic in modern stories (literature, film, etc) today.
In your response, provide specific details from the reading. You must use MLA Style in-text citations.
Question 22: In a thorough, organized response of at least 250 words, examine and discuss characters of the Wife of Bath and Scheherazade, through a feminist lens. What do these characters, and their character arcs, tell us about women’s status (generally speaking) in their respective cultures and time periods? What do you think was the authors’ attitude towards these characters, and why?
In your response, provide specific details from the reading using MLA Style in-text citations. For more information about MLA Style, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab here: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/02/ .
Response Rubric
Meets Standards
Quality of Information
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes consistent and effective supporting details and/or examples.
12 points
Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs.
6 points
MLA Style
All sources are accurately documented using MLA style.
5 points
Response is virtually free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
5 points
Amount of Information
Response is 250 words or more.
12 points

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