Experiences with Administrative and Clinical Supervision Reflection

    August 4, 2024

Self-Reflection Paper: Your Experiences Being Supervised
This 3-4 page paper is intended to aid the student in gaining insight into their own behaviors and expectations related to administrative and clinical supervision. The student should identify and reflect on their experiences with administrative and clinical supervision in their field placement. Incorporate relevant concepts from the text and other course materials and include in-text citations. Consider the following:
What role did your supervisor have in the agency?
• Describe your first session and what your knowledge of and expectations of supervision were.
• Describe the organizational structure. What supports were provided to your supervisor?
• Consider the role of gender, race, and age (and other dimensions of difference) in the relationship.
• Describe the benefits and challenges of supervision.
• Were there any ethical challenges? If so, describe them. Discuss any values differences that may have arisen in supervision.
• How would you do things differently if you were the supervisor?
Field placement: foster care

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