Financial statement analysis focuses primarily on isolating information that is useful for making a particular decision. Through ratio analysis, users of financial data can analyze vari
January 10, 2024
write 600 words with references and citations Reflection 1 This reflection is comprised of two sections, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts. Ratio Analysis Financial statement analysis focuses primarily on isolating information that is useful for making a particular decision. Through ratio analysis, users of financial data can analyze various relationships between items reported. Describe the 3 main categories of ratios and provide a specific example of a ratio that is used in each category. For each of the 3 ratios you selected, describe how it is used in managerial decision-making. Analytical Techniques Managers can choose from several analytical techniques to help them make capital investment decisions. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages. Distinguish between the 3 capital investment techniques of: Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Payback Method Describe what you consider to be the top 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of each technique and provide an example to support your top advantage of each method. COURSE TEXTBOOKS Access the textbooks via McGraw-Hill Connect. Edmonds, T., Edmonds, C., Edmonds, M.,
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