Health Policy Advocacy Reflective Learning Journal

    August 4, 2024

The Reflective Learning Journal (RLJ) is a private place for you to share thoughts on what you are learning and experiencing in this course. This activity is designed to help you integrate new information with your prior knowledge and experiences, allowing you to find deeper meanings and make new connections.
Consider the following questions for this journal entry:
Analyze and Share:
Your interest related to health care policy now after completion of the course.
Your level of knowledge related to your roles and responsibilities in the legislative process after engaging in this course.
Your growth and comfort in the advocacy role.
Whether this course changed your thinking in any way.
Whether your goals for this course been realized.
Whether you have any future goals related to advocacy and political engagement.
Because the reflective learning journal is also a place for you to express the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing, feel free to write about any other topics related to health care policy and advocacy that are currently on your mind.

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