Health Risk Management Program Component

    August 4, 2024

The eight essential components of a comprehensive Healthcare Risk Management Program are:
1. A designated, trained, and experienced risk manager who must obtain at least eight hours of continuing risk management education annually should be in place.
2. Risk managers must have access to all necessary credentialing, management, and medical data.
3. Institutions must commit the necessary resources to risk management through a written policy statement that is adopted by the governing body, medical staff, and administration.
4. Facilities must have a system in place for the identification, review, and analysis of unanticipated adverse outcomes.
5. Organizations must have the means to centralize risk management data and to share and integrate data collection and analysis with other clinical and administrative departments.
6. Risk managers must provide the organization’s governing body with a report that reviews and evaluates risk management program activity at least annually.
7. Risk managers must ensure that medical staff and new employee educational programs on minimizing patient risks and addressing high-risk clinical areas are provided.
8. Risk managers must forward information on individual practitioners, such as malpractice claim history, knowledge of adverse outcomes, and incident reporting data, to the committees that evaluate the competency of medical staff.
Look at the 8 essential components of a comprehensive Healthcare Risk Management Program. Select 1 of the 8 components and expand on your selection. In regards to your own organization, a skilled nursing facility (SNF), as a newly appointed Healthcare Risk Manager, why does this facet of a comprehensive risk management program resonate with you the most? Support this position.
Your completed assignment should be a minimum 1 full page, double-spaced, in 11 point Arial font. Use at least one scholarly reference.

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