August 4, 2024

HRM-7003 v4: Labor Relations
Week 8
In all aspects of learning, in order for new information to securely “sink in” you must take time to reflect on what you have learned. Reflection is the key to learning. During this course, you have learned many complex concepts that will serve you well in all of your business endeavors if mastered. For instance, have you ever learned something new; maybe you did not understand it the first time around, until 3 hours later when you were driving or completing another daily task? It finally clicked! This is reflection: giving the time your brain needs to let new information process. Reflection is not just useful in this course, but in all aspects of your life when you learn something new.
This week, you will reflect on what you have learned in this course. In addition to this, you will also reflect on your potential role in a labor union. What are some of your personal strengths and weakness that will help you succeed in a union? Explore biases you may have, where you want to take your research, and ultimately what you want from it.
Your assignment is to create a reflective podcast. Review the following tips to create a great podcast!
Preparing a Podcast
• Remember, a podcast is a digital media file; in some cases, it will include audio files, which is what you will create.
• Write out your script for the podcast to save time and ensure you have included the required content.
• Use your own words rather than reading the words from a source like a direct quotation.
• Speak clearly with appropriate pace, volume, and tone.
• Begin your podcast by providing relevant information and establishing a clear purpose that engages the listener.
• Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the topic using relevant, quality details that go beyond the obvious.
• Keep your focus on the topic.
• Include details from your experience on the topic along with researched information.
• Make sure there is a brief conclusion tying together the information in the podcast.
Weekly Resources and Assignments
Week 8 Resources
• The Role of Labor Unions in Creating Working Conditions That Promote Public Health
Hagedorn, J., Paras, C. A., Greenwich, H.,

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