It has been said that 1968 was the most violent year in the modern history of the United States. Others say that year was displaced by 2001

    August 1, 2024

Week 8 Discussion Forums
HIS 122 (APA Format 200 words)
It has been said that 1968 was the most violent year in the modern history of the United States. Others say that year was displaced by 2001. Which one would you say was the most violent of the two, and why? Which one has had the most impact on us today in the 21st Century.

Jimmy Carter

Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or before the required date/time. Develop a substantive main thread addressing each part of the prompt in full. Your initial thread should be 2-3 paragraphs in length (200 words total). Support your points with examples or illustrations from the text. Remember to include a lot of details and information from the sources in your initial post, as these are formal and should be treated as such and remember to cite your paraphrased and quoted information with APA in-text citations. You are not required to directly quote, but all information should be paraphrased and cited.
Required Reading:
· Chapter 30: 895-930
· Chapter 31: 931-962
7 points
Engagement / Interaction
engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with two or more peers
Participation and Timeliness
participated on two or more days and responded to main topic the day of the first post due date
6 points
Content and Mechanics
Civil Discourse forum contributions always addressed the main topic, contained critical thought/analysis. Posts are substantial with quality research from the GMC database and are written in a professional manner, free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors and citations/references are in APA format
ENG 201 (MLA FORMAT- 150 words)
Meaningfully respond to the following prompt for this week’s discussion. You can only use the sources provided. No outside sources. See reading attached as EL.
For this week’s discussion, address one of the following prompts.
· Translation: choose one of the assigned sonnets and demonstrate your understanding of the content by updating the Elizabethan English to the present day: re-write/paraphrase your sonnet into modern English. Your modern translation can be humorous or more literal, and it doesn’t have to rhyme, but either way, it should be a line-for-line rewrite of your chosen sonnet. After providing your rewrite, offer some thoughts on what you’ve learned about Shakespeare’s poetry by writing your own version. Try not to tell classmates beforehand which sonnet you’ve chosen in your main post- just re-write the assigned sonnet of your choice and let classmates try to identify it as the week continues. If no one has guessed your sonnet by the end of the week, you should provide the answer in a reply!
· Getting Defensive: What is the benefit of studying Shakespeare, and/or his sonnets, here in the 21st century? After all, don’t we have present-day poems and songs that communicate some of the same ideas are more easily understood? Defend the inclusion of Shakespeare in general, and these sonnets in particular, in the curriculum. Then, explain which of these sonnets was your personal favorite, and share a line or two from any of these assigned poems that you think is particularly meaningful or lyrical.
· Be the Teacher: After viewing this week’s online learning resources, explain to the class what some of the important distinctions are between Renaissance literature and earlier literature/time periods from weeks 1-7. Your post should include one quotation from any of Shakespeare’s poetry, as well as one quotation from any of this week’s linked online learning resources, with in-text citations and works cited entries as needed.
Required Reading: Read Sonnets I, XVIII, XXII-XXIV, XXIX-XXX, LIII, LV, LXV, LXXIII, LXXV, XCVII, CIV, CVI, CXVI, CXXX, CXXXIV, CXXXVIII, CXLIV (1, 18, 22-24, 29-30, 53, 55, 65, 73, 75, 98, 104, 106, 116, 130, 134, 138, 144)


Also see Sonnets Attached
Civil Discourse Forum participation will be graded using the following criteria:
2 points
4 points
N/A – no points are available for this criterion
Main response posted on or before stated first-post deadline
N/A- no points are available for this criterion
2 or more days of substantive participation during active course week
N/A- no points are available for this criterion
Two or more substantive replies to peers (in addition to main response)
Main response content is substantive, but fails to specifically or correctly address some aspect of content instructions
Main response content is substantive, relevant, organized, and meets or exceeds 150 words in length
Mechanics, Tone, and Style
Posts contain minor or infrequent errors in tone, grammar/mechanics, or MLA-style documentation
Posts are written in a polite, professional tone and are essentially free of errors in grammar/mechanics; any necessary documentation is proficient in MLA style

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