James Baldwins Thoughts on Being a Black Man in America

    August 1, 2024

Once you have finished ALL screenings take 60-120 minutes to thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the essay prompts.
Please practice the research process,formulate your argument, consult outside sources, as well as other steps of the research paper writing process.
Please refer to the rubric on “shorter essays” for further guidance on exactly what I am looking for.
Essay Prompt(s) Please touch on a couple aspects from each prompt:
1. How are James Baldwin’s thoughts on being a Black Man in America similar to what our country is currently experiencing with the fight for equality and racial justice? What are your thoughts of James Baldwin’s responses to all of the moderators?
2. Does James Baldwin’s survivor accounts of being Black in America provide an overwhelming burden of proof of a national/global attempt to subjugate/repress African, Black, and Indigenous American groups (from the 18th century to the present day)?
If so, how do we overcome to end such practices?
If not, how have laws and the global communities feelings, perspectives, and ideologies (set of beliefs) changed

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