Literature Question

    April 21, 2024

Topic:In Module 1:Unit 1, we learned about the Face-to-Face Tradition. In this tradition, wefind three important elements: The Teller, the Tale, and the Audience.Choose one Teller from the various Deaf storytellers that you have been introduced tothrough this class and write about the following: (Teller must be Deaf)1. Who is the Teller, what is the person’s background, how did they become a “smoothsigner”, did they utilize formal or informal training, how did they get started?2. What Tale or Tales does this specific Teller usually share? What venue is used toshare this Tale? What genre does this tale fit into? What themes are oftenincorporated into the Tales that are shared? Through the Tales that you have chosenwhat are (or might be) the Teller’s goals?3. What did the Teller’s audience usually comprise of? Deaf only? Hearing only? Bothgroups? What type of information did you find about the audiences that the Tellerusually attended? Did the teller get feedback from the audience? How did thisfeedback affect the Teller’s adjustments to the audience?4. In summary, how did this teller combat a myth(s) that we learned about in the Primer(introduction to Deaf Culture)
Possible Tellers are: George W. Veditz, Charles Krauel, Dr. Ben Bahan, Manny Hernandez,Terrylene Sacchetti, Steve Longo, Ella Mae Lentz, Robert Panara, Laura C. Redden, Peter Cook,Patrick Graybill, Bernard Bragg, Mary Beth Miller, Marlee Matlin, Russ Harvard, Rosa LeeTimm, CJ Jones, Robert DeMayo, Wayne Betts, Bob Hiltermann, TL Forseberg, Linda Bove,Deanna Bray, Troy Kotsur, and more.

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