November 16, 2024
LITERATURE REVIEW ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to aid students in the literature review research process and in the organization and writing of the literature review. OUTLINE Develop an annotated bibliography for the selected and approved BUSI 730 topic. BIBLIOGRAPHY Develop a comprehensive reference list (at least 10 references) for your BUSI 730 topic in current APA edition format. The reference list should be based on your survey of existing peer- reviewed literature on your BUSI 730 topic. Annotations should be at least 100 words and should include a brief summary of the source, as well as how that source will potentially be used in the research paper. Submit the annotated bibliography in a Microsoft Word document. There should be a title page. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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