Market Barriers to entry, trade policies, and government protection

    August 1, 2024

The chief legal officer (CLO) of your company is impressed with your knowledge of global economics and has asked you to gather data on institutions governing trade and the types of trade restrictions. Such knowledge is essential to your company’s success in domestic and foreign markets. You are to present your findings at the quarterly meeting of global operations.
Help with this Unit 4 project is in Chapters 12 and 16 of Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy.
Examine the institutions that govern global trade. What services or benefits do they provide for businesses? Address the following in your presentation:
One slide: Choose 1 or 2 such organizations. (Apple and Microsoft)
Two slides: Examine their original purpose and presence in the global economy.
Two slides: Does your chosen company face any restrictions that would increase its costs (e.g., embargos, tariffs, and quotas}?
Three slides: Identify and describe any recent changes in any of these institutions.
For instance, do regional trade agreements of which the United States is a part of provide an improved trade environment for U.S. businesses?
Three slides: Regulatory environment—Do these institutions and their policies represent any risk to the company?
Two slides: Environmental laws
Two slides: Labor laws
Deliverable Requirements: Your presentation on Institutions Governing Trade and the Types of Trade Restrictions: Essential Success in Domestic and Foreign Markets will be a PowerPoint of at least 15 slides in length (excluding title and reference slides). You must use the Notes sections with academic citations supporting your decisions and analysis. A variety of academic sources is encouraged. Be sure to cite sources using the APA style, including references and in-text citations.

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