April 21, 2024

Do the Assignments listed below for each chapter
Chapter 11- Log on to  (you may have to copy and paste the link) Click on the link for teaching materials, then go to the Contract section and click on “A Brief Working Guide to UCC 2-207”.  This section of the UCC has to do with an acceptance with terms that vary from the original contract.  This will help you answer the questions about how UCC 2-207 applies to an acceptance of a contract and will help with your brief about how new terms may or may not become a part of a contract.   Write a brief of the case in the book called, Duro Textiles, LLC v. Sunbelt Corporation.  (This brief should be about 250-300 words)  In your brief, state the following;
    a) The name of the case-this is also called the style of the case (Hint:  The style is the name of the parties and the location of the case.  You can find it in the heading of this case)  You can copy and paste this.
    b)  the facts of the case
    c)  the holding in the case
    d)  Why the court held as it did.

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