NURS 335 Evidence Based Practice Nursing

    April 21, 2024

Assignment Guidelines and RubricTitle of Assignment: Initial PICO(T) QuestionTotal Points: 5 pointsPurpose: To provide the student with an opportunity to apply an evidenced based questiondevelopment tool to a clinical question/clinical practice related to advanced nursing practice.Assignment Description: Utilizing the clinical gap you have identified or would like toaddress in clinical practice, complete portions of Appendix B of the Johns HopkinsEvidence-Based Practice Model for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. Provide anoverview and background of the problem you have identified, formulate, and describe aPICO(T) question addressing interventions that might meet the needs of clinical practice, inthe setting you have identified.Other Helpful Information: You may fill out the appropriate sections in Appendix B andturn it in. If you prefer, you may also type it out in a word document. I will accept eitherformat. Additionally, materials in module 2, JHU Question Development Tool questions,and other course content are great resources you can utilize to complete this assignment.Also, think about the chronic and acute conditions faced by many people in our community.Additional examples: staffing shortage, is affecting the entire world at this time.I would also suggest that you visit the MN Department of Health website, World HealthOrganization website, hospital websites, and watch the national, international, or local newsto get some inspiration. Once you have selected your area of interest, you can then start tocomplete the work.
Elements to include in the question development tool:
1. Description of problem:a. Introduce the reader to the topic of your choice by providing an overview of theproblem in the free text area.b. Discuss why the problem is important and relevant. What would happen if theproblem was not addressed? Keep track of the information from the literature, asyou will use this information in subsequent assignment(s).c. Discuss the current practice.2. PICO (T) questiona. Develop and pose a PICO(T) question to help guide the search for an interventionto address the problem (i.e., possible interventions). Give some thought to theoutcomes for the PICO(T) question (e.g., consider what benefits and harms mightresult from the intervention).b. Clearly identify each element within your PICO(T) question in your writingc. Formulate your initial EBP questiond. List possible search terms for each part of the PICO(T) question 

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