Optimizing Distribution Channel for Increased Demand

    August 1, 2024

Final Project- Overview The Marketing Plan
The final project for this course will be to develop a marketing plan for a new product to be launched by an existing company.
A new product may be either:
1. One that has never existed before
2. One that exists but has been improved through an added feature
3. One that exists but will be marketed to an entirely new market. ( ie a National product expanding into an International marketplace.)
Can your product be one that is developed by you?
YES. But you must use and existing company to channel your marketing efforts.( ie you may have a new razor blade – you may choose the Gillette company to incorporate it into their product categories and channel the marketing through them.)
Weekly Project Assignments
Each week you will prepare a segment of your marketing plan through written pre-planned outlines.
The outlines will include:
1. Company Identification
2. Company Mission Statement
3. Company SWOT.
4. Product Identification
5. Marketing Objective
6. Positioning Strategy
7. Target Market
8. Pricing
9. Distribution
10. Promotion
11. Implementation
12. Marketing Mix
Final Project- The Marketing Plan
Create a PPT using the Marketing Plan Guide
/content/enforced/19638-MKT302A-65725-2112/Week Four/Final Project Guide1.pptx
Create a PowerPoint presentation using all materials developed for your marketing plans.
Use graphics, charts, and other visual elements to support your plan.
PowerPoint must include the following pages:
1. Cover Page : Course Identification, Your name, Company Identification
2. Executive Summary: Identifies the market opportunities and new product objectives.
3. Company Mission Statement
4. Company SWOT.
5. Product Identification
6. Marketing Objective
7. Positioning Strategy
8. Target Market
9. Pricing
10. Distribution
11. Promotion
12. Implementation
13. Marketing Mix

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