Performance Management and Valuation

    November 16, 2024

The risk analysis work you did in the first assignment was a great start. It helped to paint a picture of where NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) and Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) are in their corporate lifecycles, the threats and opportunities each faces, and the defensibility of their economic moats – a metaphor that Buffett loves to use.
In this assignment, you will continue your analysis by comparing key performance management metrics of our two companies, identifying areas of relative strength and weakness, and suggesting ways that each company could improve, thereby increasing its valuation. To do this, you will examine trends in order to identify variances and comparisons to: (1) establish benchmarks, (2) identify best practices, and (3) look for signs of superior performance. This analysis is critical in determining the value of each company, as well as evaluating whether potential acquisition or merger opportunities exist which could create greater value and synergies than those of operating the companies as separate entities.
To prepare, reread the Morningstar Analyst’s Report and the most recent annual reports for both companies with a particular focus on the Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows.
A. Complete the Assignment 2 Worksheet to compare key performance metrics and ratios for both companies in order to see how performance can be impacted by manipulating certain financial levers. The guidance for this is found in Chapters 5

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