Play the simulation?The Debt Fixer?from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in which you make fiscal policy decisions in an attempt to reduce the U.S. debt. You can play the

    January 10, 2024

Play the simulation The Debt Fixer (from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget), in which you make fiscal policy decisions in an attempt to reduce the U.S. debt. You can play the simulation as many times as you like.Write a 3 – 4 page paper, double space, 12 point font. Include an image of your simulation report, graph and table.  Cite a minimum of 5 sources.  The citing style is at your discretion; however, make sure the format is accurate.  Include in your paper the following:

Share your experience in the simulation. What strategies did you pursue? Were you successful in reducing the debt?
In your opinion, is a high national debt a problem for future economic growth? What is the ideal debt-to-GDP ratio? Research academic sources or refer to the information available through the simulation to support your opinion.
Government spending increases national debt and can cause a crowding-out effect. Explain what the crowding-out effect is and why it’s considered a negative effect of increased government spending. Use information from the textbook to support your analysis.

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