Program Success and Recommendations Memorandum

    August 4, 2024

This activity will allow you to practice making recommendations, which is a skill needed for the final project.
Making recommendations is an important component of the final project. This assignment allows you to practice making recommendations. In order to prepare for this assignment, view the video How to Analyze a Case Study. Then, examine the case study Artesanias de Colombia. What best practices led to program success? Use the provided Memo Template and format your submission as you would a memo to an organization.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Program Success: Identify program outcomes and best practices, and, based on the measures used to evaluate them, explain which best practices decision makers could implement to enhance the likelihood of program success.
Overcoming Constraints: How effective were the strategic management processes used to overcome the constraints they faced?
Organizational Success: Explain how governmental and nonprofit agencies can improve organizational success by best utilizing the principles of benchmarking, best practices, and comparative governmental performance.
Customer Service: Recommend a strategy to mitigate the impact of the challenge of providing effective and efficient customer service. Justify your recommendation.

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