Psychology Introspective Growth and Sustained Improvement

    August 4, 2024

1. Neurocognitive Disorders With the aging population, families with loved ones diagnosed with a neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease occur frequently. One of your clients has come to you to ask for your assistance in learning more about information and resources that can assist him in caring for his mother, who suffers from a neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease. For this discussion, you should: site your sources! Share the types of questions you will ask to determine the stage of Alzheimer’s his mother is in. Provide resources on how he can learn more about being a caretaker for his mother. Locate any resources you think would be helpful to him and include references to how your classmates can locate them. Discussion 2. Initial Post Neurocognitive Disorders 2, For this discussion, assume you are a social worker with an agency that meets monthly for professional development. Differential diagnosis is the topic for this month. Please select any of the disorders covered in our class to date and prepare to discuss it at this month’s meeting. Start your discussion by defining differential diagnosis and how or why it is used. Describe to your colleagues what they should look for when attempting to conduct a differential diagnosis for the disorder you selected. What benefits or challenges do you and your colleagues identify during your discussion? use sources and online research. you can use alzeimers or anything in the neurocognitive aspect. 3. Generate a list of problems that families typically enter family therapy for. Discuss creative ways to translate linear explanations into circular or systemic explanations. Example: Family is overwhelmed and stressed because dad lost his job. Dad losing his job is the reason the family is stressed and entering therapy. Or so they think. Your job is to get the family to understand how they are contributing to or maintaining the problem. use 300 words and sources. 4. What do you believe to be the necessary and sufficient conditions for real therapeutic change to occur: a brief but decisive intervention in the family system or long-term exploration of one’s personality? Some argue that changes initiated via family therapy are lasting because change is exerted throughout the entire system–and each family member changes and continues to exert synchronous change on each other. Others assert that long-term, insight-oriented therapy is necessary to prevent a patient’s personal pathology from reasserting itself.

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