Reflexivity is reflection for the purpose of personal growth and for developing deeper understanding. Sometimes this understanding is of ourselves; sometimes it allows us to understand

    January 10, 2024

here are six Reflective Journal Assignments (Weeks 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11).

The journals are intended to reflect your experiences and opinions, so there are no right or wrong answers.
Read the weekly content before writing your journal.
Click the linked activity title to access this assignment.

Reflexivity is reflection for the purpose of personal growth and for developing deeper understanding. Sometimes this understanding is of ourselves; sometimes it allows us to understand others. When we develop a better understanding of others and what they experience, we can grow, even if only in small ways. These journals are a tool to promote that growth.
In a journal entry of at least 250 words, record your thoughts about these questions:

What do you think about the topics covered in this week?
What in your personal experience may have influenced your thinking about this issue? Consider social/cultural norms, religious beliefs, environment, and background.

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