Relevance Of CSR Programs for Firms

    August 1, 2024

We’ve all grown up with varying degrees of “save the planet” rules, regulations, and suggestions. Natural resources have been used, abused, and depleted throughout the lifetime of civilization to the point where we are reaching out more to harness wind and solar power to help sustain future generations. As a whole, the human race is one of the biggest disrupters of ecosystems. We throw aside so much waste, from wrecked vehicles to product packaging, that we have become desensitized to the damage we are creating.
Today, many businesses have developed corporate social responsibility (CSR) plans to address environmental damage caused by civilization. Companies like Walt Disney, Lego, Google, Ben and Jerry’s, and many others are devoting money and time to making the world a better place.
Please respond to the following:
But is it important for businesses to have CSR plans? Or should the government be the one to “save our planet.” Explain your opinion.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
To receive full credit, your original should be at least 7 sentences, and your reply should be at least 4 sentences. Remember to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and one response to student (Lisa) response below:
Student Response:
is it important for businesses to have CSR plans? Or should the government be the one to “save our planet.”
CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and refers to a company’s strategy to long-term development through providing economic, social, and environmental advantages. It also encompasses activities through which a firm accepts responsibility for its impact on social and environmental well-being. In essence, CSR looks beyond the company’s revenues to assist the larger community.
CSR illustrates that you are a company that cares about more than simply the issues that affect your profit margins, which will attract customers that share your beliefs. As a result, operating sustainably makes good business sense.
Despite the fact that corporate social responsibility is fundamentally about improving business operations, there appears to be a belief that the government should compel firms to engage in CSR and penalize those who do not.

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