SPC2017 Introduction to Speech Communication

    April 21, 2024

Note: Your instructor may assign your topic. 
This speech will be a 3–5 minute informative speech. You can choose any informative topic that is within course guidelines (with instructor having final approval). This could be any informative topic or even a person of interest. You may not use a family member, friend, relative or personal acquaintance if you choose a person of interest. The following people are not permitted: Any politician (or spouse, son or daughter or family member of a politician) who has held office on or after January 21, 1993; Elon Musk, any political activist, any media person currently on television, any professional athlete who has made political statements or otherwise thrust themselves into a spotlight for something other than than skill in the sport they play. Make certain to Google people to see if they have made any comments on politics or social issues. Remember, political statements rule people out (for example LeBron James or Colin Kaepernik and others).  Anyone famous for anything gross, gruesome or for committing a crime or crimes. Using any of these people earns a zero with no opportunity to make it up. If there is any possibility that your person of interest may fit into one of these categories, make certain to clear it in writing with your instructor.   
You must use 3 valid, scholarly, peer-reviewed research sources for this speech. Avoid prohibited sources as detailed in your syllabus. You will reference these sources in-text in your outline and orally in your speech. (Please refer to the Assessing Sources and Oral Source Citation document.) You MUST use a visual aid for this speech. 

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