Supporting Diverse Family Structures

    August 4, 2024

Initial Post: Describe how your current (or future program) includes all families, especially those who may include a child with exceptional needs. Choose three family structures and share how your program does or will support their unique family system. If there is a family structure not readily supported by your program, share your thoughts on how your program could include them more naturally into your program.
Reply Posts: Choose two peers who discussed a different family structure, if possible. Share additional ideas for incorporating this structure more easily into their program. Encourage additional perspectives on how these families will be included, especially involving a child with exceptional needs. What might they also need to consider?
In my future program recognizes the importance of communicating with the families about their child learning. Also I will collect as much information about the families values and beliefs and also about their child needs and what areas of their learning that they need help in. Also i would teach them different cultures in my classrooms so the child cause see where other kids come from and they can learn about them. I will hare different information of what their child will be learning in the program. Another thing that I would have in future program of different ways how we help child with special needs. I will communicate with other educators and family of how we can help their child with special needs so they will not feel left out of any activities of lesson. Also I will approach the relationship with the families and the child in very respectful way because that is a way we could build trust each other.
My program will support all family structures. This includes extended families, unmarried families, and foster families. Recognizing diversity and incorporating differentiation in a positive manner is important to children’s growth and acknowledgment through social learning situations. My program will support the family systems by bringing activities into class and offering insight or pictures from each family in the classroom. This would be a great opportunity at the beginning of a ‘school year’ to get to know the children, their families, and the background as well as the children learning about each other. The children would then be able to compare and contrast their lives which is essential for communication skills and their problem-solving skills. If there is a structure not supported by my program, I would gladly share my own insight on how we communicate and share information and ideas between each family. I would also ask what the best ways I would be able to assist them in terms of academics, communication, transportation, and more. I think finding a common ground is necessary and beneficial to include all families in a program in order to create lasting bonds.

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