The Nature of Mind Empiricism and Rationalism Argumentative

    August 4, 2024

You must state a philosophical position and defend it as best you can, with good arguments. The most important thing in the work is to build a reasoning. Within the theme THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE: EMPIRISM AND RATIONALISM something more specific or general, which could be the nature of the mind, nature of knowledge and the sources of knowledge supporting with reasons.
Length is not an evaluation criterion, but conciseness is always recommended. The text should be direct and as dry as possible. For practical purposes, I recommend that the paper be around 5 pages (not more than 10), but this is just to give a general guideline. Don’t worry too much about it. Take care to think and articulate good reasoning.
The evaluation criteria are: 1) quality of writing (elegance, clarity, formal correctness); 2) quality of the argument (how well constructed the argument is, if it is consistent, if it makes sense, if it is well explained); 3) originality (the authorship of the work). Write what you think, use other authors or what I say to help you reach a conclusion, but don’t limit yourself to the formulation of others, be critical, take a stand.
There is no mandatory formatting, nor a style template to follow. The theme is free, but it must always be around a philosophical problem. Address ambitious issues, investigate problems that arouse discomfort or curiosity. Do not remain in a mere empirical description: formulate, elaborate, speculate, question, point out paths. The most important thing is that you think independently and develop your own conception.
I added the contents that were covered in this drive, just choose a topic among them that you want to discuss…

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