The Positive Effects of Stress

    August 1, 2024

Not all stress is bad. Hans Selye recognized that some stressors, called eustress, were good to experience in moderation. For example, exercise is an example of eustress. Some studies have found that feeling a little stressed out can increase focus and memory.
In the figure below, you can see that there is a fine line between eustress and distress, the bad kind of stress, which we mostly discussed so far.
A figure showing eustress versus distress as being a function of stress level and performance.
In this figure, the difference between eustress and distress is a function of stress intensity. Eustress is when we experience low to sub-moderate levels of stress, and as a result see increases in performance. Distress, on the other hand, is when we experience moderate to high levels of stress, and as a result we see decreases in our performance.
Watch the following video, which talks about some health benefits of stress:
Answer the following questions:
Question 1: What kind of stress is the presenter talking about in this video? Acute or chronic stress?
Question 2: What health benefits arise from experiencing this stressor?

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