Verbal Some of the questions I have been asked in an interview are why I decided to apply for the position, what professional accomplishments I am most proud of, and my strengths and

    January 11, 2024

Some of the questions I have been asked in an interview are why I decided to apply for the position, what professional accomplishments I am most proud of, and my strengths and weaknesses. Asking about professional accomplishments in person allows me to expound on what I have written in my resume, allowing for a more in-depth conversation to occur. Asking about why I decided to apply for a position can also allow me to further explain what I’m looking for in my new position and what I am capable of as an employee. Those two questions alls a discussion to take place, making it easier for the Interviewer to get to know me more personally. Asking about my strengths and weaknesses is kind of redundant and irrelevant to the job I’m applying for.
The article on preparing for your interview had a lot of good points in it. I find it helpful that the article focuses on ways to prepare for your interview by discussing the importance of networking and researching the company before going into the interview.
Nonverbal cues that I like to use during an interview would be making direct eye contact, showing active presence by smiling and nodding at appropriate times and maintaining enthusiasm in my posture throughout the interview process. If this is your first interview, then being aware of these nonverbal cues can add stress to the interview; however, after a while, it becomes second nature and easier to do.
During the interview, I stick to wearing dark or neutral-toned color clothes. It is usually a dress skirt or slacks, a crisp white shirt, and a blazer of some sort. The wardrobe will always impact the interview. If you show up looking polished, they will take you more seriously and it shows that you want the position.
The setting is typically in an office, so it allows us to just focus on one another and not let the business of the surroundings take over and bleed into the interview. The interview goes more smoothly and that way and no one is distracted.
Morgan, G. (2021, February 26). How to Get Ready for Your Next Job Interview. Retrieved April 25, 2023, from

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