Watch all of the videos and review the Job Aid in the Percipio course: Building a Circle of Connections for Networking SuccessLinks to an external site. (2

    November 16, 2024


Watch all of the videos and review the Job Aid in the Percipio course: Building a Circle of Connections for Networking SuccessLinks to an external site. (28m 32s). When the course status is Complete, you will earn a digital badge. Click to View Badge, download the badge from Percipio as .png, and submit. (50 points)
Write a one-paragraph reflection in Microsoft Word describing in your own words two key takeaways from the Percipio course that you can apply to your own career success. (25 points)
Submit two files by the Sunday deadline.

Percipio Badge .png (50 points)
Microsoft Word .docx (25 points

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