what is the objective data of the case study for a 66-year-old female who arrives in the Emergency Room per EMS

    April 21, 2024

what is the objective data of the case study for a 66-year-old female who arrives in the Emergency Room per EMS. She complains of shortness of breath for the past week, which seems to have gotten worse today. Ms. Sawyer complains of persistent cough, especially at night. She has 3 plus pitting edema on her Right ankle and left calf. She is complaining that her fingers are swollen, and Molly is unable to take off her wedding and Eastern Star rings. In addition to her current problems, Molly has been a type I diabetic for over 50 years. Molly suffered a mild heart attack five years ago and required open-heart surgery with stent placement 2 years ago following a second heart attack. Her blood pressure typically runs 150/110 medicated. Molly lives alone in a 3rd floor walk-up apartment with her cat. Her children live in other states and have little contact with their mother. Molly has been widowed for the past 14 years. She had to quit work 6 months ago due to her health. Molly used to sing in the choir at church, but she no longer has the air or the strength to go to church

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