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    April 21, 2024

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The  Originality Report on Turnitin proved to be really helpful and precise  in identifying any flaws or instances of plagiarism included in my  essay. It made it easy for me to go through my article and correct all  of my mistakes by pinpointing the exact locations of each one as well as  the sources of the plagiarism. The difficult part was coming up with  terms that still made sense and were original to me while still fixing  my mistakes. I looked at the precise plagiarism it detected and rebuilt  it using my own language. I only had to make a few sentence changes here  and there because my original submission was less than 10%. In general,  I didn’t encounter many issues with Turnitin’s Originality Report. With  my errors, it was quite simple, and I was only really noted for a  couple instances when there was nothing I could really do about it. 
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For  the most part, I was completely unfamiliar with the Turnitin platform. I  even had to write Professor Rhodes to find out how to verify my score  after submitting because I was having so much trouble understanding it.  After she gave me direction on where to look and helped me turn in my  originality report, things didn’t go too badly. I was thrilled to  receive only 1% plagiarism after submitting my first rough manuscript.  This meant that I would only need to make a few adjustments, ultimately  saving me a great deal of time. I think my introduction and conclusion  were the two primary areas I needed to make corrections. Although I  believe using Turnitin may require some getting accustomed to, I’m up  for the challenge. All in all, I had a scary experience using Turnitin  originality reports at first, but now that I’ve gotten the hang of them,  I feel more comfortable with how everything operates.

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