You are to assume the duties of the safety and environmental officer for a large industrial facility located on a river in a medium-sized town

    January 10, 2024

You are to assume the duties of the safety and environmental officer for a large industrial facility located on a river in a medium-sized town, population 23,231. There is a small, non-trauma center, hospital located in town. The local fire department has a Hazardous Materials Response Team trained to respond to chemical releases and spills. You also have a trained Industrial Fire Brigade on-site with first-responder training and equipment.
Your facility mixes and ships a product called ASM by rail, highway, and river barge. The product is produced from mixing liquid Acetone, gaseous Sulfur Dioxide, and Magnesium powder. It produces a mixed waste product to be disposed of properly.
Your paper must address:
Federal OSHA requirements meeting an Emergency Action Plan (45 points possible)
Federal EPA requirements meeting a Facility Response Plan (45 points possible)
At least five references from reliable sources. (10 points possible)
Total = 100 points
Your plan must address the minimum requirements of these Federal regulations. Part of the exercise is for you to locate the appropriate OSHA and EPA requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Hint: OSHA regulations are contained in Title 29 of the CFR and EPS’s regulations are contained in Title 40 of the CFR.
You may use your imagination to come up with all the details of your plans, but be sure to address all aspects of potential emergency releases within the facility and potential threats to your facility. Your plan must meet, as a minimum, all of the applicable EPA and OSHA regulations.
You may prepare one comprehensive plan to meet the requirements of both EPA and OSHA. Once prepared, submit your plan to your assignment folder. Use this exercise as if your job depends on it, as it can be used to impress future job interviews. Include response actions from all of the first-responder organizations and resources available to you on and off-site.
The length and format of the plans are up to you. Just make sure you cover the requirements and all expected threats and hazards.

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